All about me

Who am I? Well, I am a 16 years old girl from Norway (please keep that in mind everytime I spell something wrong or say something that dousn't make sence), I would love to tell you my name as well, but than I wouldn't be mysterious would I.. At least not anomynous, which I need to be if I am going to share every piece of thought that runs through my mind. Like, not even my friends knows about this.. Ok, off track. I am a dancer, a singer and of course an actress, but then again I've never been hired to do any of those things.. So I guess I am a student then, studying the awesomeness of acting, and singing and dancing my heart (and ass) off in my spare time. OK, I wish that was true. The thing you might discover about me is that I am a halfway-girl, I always do things halfway. I am for instance a good dancer, not a great one, but not a bad one eighter. And thats the story of my life, my grades, my singing, my acting, my (non-existing) lovelife and my apperence. Ah, didn't see that one comeing did you? A 16 years old girl with insecurities about her looks? Outrageous. Anyways, so thats my life and looks, not bad, but in the end not that great eighter. 

I live in a small town in North-Norway. It's always raining or snowing or just clouded up here, but every once in a while the sun chares it's warm light with us and for a while my small city don't seem so away from everything else. I often look out the window from the backseat of my parents car, or from the big and spaceious window-pane in my room, with music in my ears, thinking; wow, this place really looks like Forks! You know Forks, the little town with all the sexy vampires and werewolfs just happening to be hanging around. Then I start thinking about other things, like how small my life is. There is nothing like the sky when you want to feel small. Of course I don't only think about those things, I'm not emo.. I also think about how hot Justin Bieber and Taylor Lautner looks, and how nice it is that someone saves the hottnes of my generation. And after drewling over their hotness I start moving on to older hotties, like Johnny Depp and Matthew Maconahay, and then even older, like George Clooney, but after that I stop, fearing I might find something hot about Hugh Hefner. 

And so one of these days I was thinking about all of the above but then I came to the Hugh Hefner part and I stopped thinking and found out, hey I should have a blog to tell everyone whats going on in my messy head, and well here I am, hoping someone will find my thoughts a bit more interesting than I do...
