søndag 13. mai 2012

Belive in YOU

Many times in life people are going to tell you what you can and can't do. It is how sosiety works, we are not supposed to be bigger than one another, we are not allowed to dream big. Why should you belive you are capable of being that one in a million who gets your dream come true? - You should because you can. It dousen't matter how your chanses are, you are allowed to dream as big as you want, and even better, you are allowed to fulfill your dreams. It is like Gandhi said "You must be the change you want to see in the world", it is all up to you. Only you can decide how far your going to go. And yes, of course you can't hire yourself as the president of the United States of America or as a big time actress, but you can work on your craft, and if you work hard enough, you will be picked out, out of the millions of people who wanted it. And if you don't get picked, then you did not try hard enough.

Annoying things girls do on facebook

1. Complain over every picture of themself where they are not perfect-looking. I mean girl please, you can't look great all the time, so stop whining about it. And don't get me wrong, I get it if the person on the picture looks dowright ugly, but if your hair was just a little too messy, or your boobs look small I really dont give a fuck. People need to get over themself and realise that nobodys perfect and that nobody cares that mutch about your looks anyways, so please stop untagging yourself and complainig about this and that..

2. On the contrary of the first is people who post pictures of them looking gorgeous next to their not so gorgeous-looking friend. Again, if its a small imperfection I really don't care, but if the person was unlucky on that photo, I feel that their "friend" posted the picture just to show off how mutch more beautiful they are. In those cases I'm left thinking god you are sutch a bad friend. And belive me this happens alot!

3. When you for some reason don't like the picture your in please do one out of two things, untag yourself (again if its a small, stupid error in your perfect image; get over it!) or you could talk to the person about recutting the picture so that you can be left out, or just take it off permanently. And this is where it gets annoying: DON'T make a case of it in the comments under the picture. It's only embarrassing, for me, for you, and for everyone that sees it. Talk to the person in person or in the facebook chat and save us all the trouble of realising what a thight up, self loving bitch you truly are.